New Drainage

Those who receive our Sun Rising newsletter will be aware of our planned development, putting in a new stretch of drainage, to run from the lane, across the centre of the field and down to the pond.  This is a huge investment for us, but necessary to put in before we look at creating a new area of wildflower meadow between the roundhouse and the lower corner of the field, and then open up a new area for burials.

Those who have visited over the past day or so will have seen the large machinery, and do hope that this hasn’t been too disturbing.  The size of the machines belies the holes they are making in the land …

Putting in the new drainage

Putting in the new drainage

The new drain line

The new drain line

It’s very tidy, isn’t it?  Into this groove, is laid a drainage pipe, which collects all the water from the old field drains and surface water which seeps down, allowing us to keep the site in a reasonable condition even through periods of heavy rainfall.

The work is some distance from any burial areas, and should be done by the end of this week, leaving just a little tidying to do – by us and by nature, with earth settling and grass recovering.  Do let us know if you have any queries or concerns.