The Changing Pond

Ponds are fascinating places.  A wildlife pond, unlined and naturally fed, will often dry up during periods without rain, which mean that its inhabitants, both flora and fauna, need to be extremely adaptable.  Furthermore, the plantlife in a healthy pond will naturally keep growing until it overwhelms the entire pond, changing the ecosystem entirely.  At Sun Rising, the pond is deep enough to retain water, even through long months of drought, which means it remains an invaluable source of water for wildlife locally.  And as a nature reserve, we are maintaining the pond as a pond – which means that now and then, as the plants grow and spread, they need to be reduced.

Clearing the Pond

Clearing the Pond

This year was the first time that was necessary, but it will be a task to be done every few years from here on.  With thanks to Tim, who volunteered with rather leaky waders, on Sunday the work was done, with a good proportion of the pondweed harvested out.  Plants removed will remain on the pond edge for a while allowing the little creatures to slip, slide and crawl back into the water.  As a wonderful source of nitrogen, it will then be added to the compost heap.