
On Sunday 30 April, Sun Rising Natural Burial Ground and Nature Reserve will be on BBC’s ‘Countryfile’.  The programme is aired at 7 pm, and more information can be found here :

We expect to be no more than a few minutes in a full programme about Warwickshire.  Television is always a risk, but ‘Countryfile’ seems to be a much loved programme that strives to be positive, so we hope it will be fine!

Cowslips at Sun Rising

Cowslips at Sun Rising

We’re in the thick of our yellow season at Sun Rising, with the daffodils, primroses and lesser celandine having given way to cowslips, and the dandelions are in full glory.  When they go to seed, it’ll be buttercups … And in the surrounding countryside, the oilseed rape is in full flower.  The bees are loving it!